October 16th was another gloriously warm day in Arroyo Hondo, so I took Scout down to the Rio Grande Gorge for a picnic. One of the wonderful things about being retired is that I can visit places during the week when not too many people are around and such was the case with this trip. We stopped at where the Rio Hondo (basically a mountain stream) empties into the Rio Grande, where people had built up a series of rock "dams." Scout was in his glory and spent the whole time in the water, as you'll see from the pictures below.
View from the Rio Grande up the side of the Gorge. |
Another view to the top of the Gorge. |
Scout, looking for a stick, in one of the pools created where the Rio Hondo enters the Rio Grande. John Dunn Bridge in the background, looking upriver. |
Scout in one of the lower pools, still looking for a stick. |
Returning home, the view toward the mountains from the top of the Gorge. |
View of cottonwoods lining the Rio Hondo on trip home. |