Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My First Balloon Rally and (3!) Rides

On October 29th and 30th, the 29th annual Taos Mountain Balloon Rally took place and my friend Steve and I crewed for "Terrible Tom" (TT) Schroeder on his balloon, Pirate Treasure.  Crewing basically means that you help get the balloon ready for flight and then the crew takes turns riding in the basket with TT.  I managed to get three rides in over the two-day event (and was promptly nicknamed "Ride Hog"!) and have to say that I am completely hooked!  I've joined TMBRA (Taos Mountain Balloon Rally Association) so that I can be in on all the action next year, too!

Early morning, when balloonists are unloading their gear.

Our tarp (in the left foreground) and the next balloon over being inflated.  I seem to remember
that he was the first one to ascend.

The basket is assembled and TT is testing the burners.

Steve (on the left) and another volunteer holding the balloon open
so that the fan can blow hot air inside.  (Notice a familiar black
CRV with NM plates to the left of Steve?)

The top of the balloon from inside the basket.

Finally!  My first ascent!  Steve and two other volunteers are packing up the
tarp and will follow us in the chase car.

Looking out at some of the other balloons which were already higher than us.

Over Taos, looking north toward Taos Mountain.

A gentle landing with "Terrible" Tom, our intrepid captain,
in calm control.