Here's a sampling of what I saw along the way today:
- A stretch pickup truck. No, I'm not kidding. It was the kind with the "back seat" and there were about 10 of those back-seat windows between the front seat and the bed of the truck. Very bizarre looking.
- Lake Ontario--so vast and blue under today's clear sky. Lots of sailboats out.
- A caravan of open-sided jeeps.
- LOTS of campers and 5th wheels.
- A license plate "2TH PIX" at yet another NY Thruway toll booth. They certainly collected their fair share out me before I escaped.
- Once we hit OH, a multitude of motorcyclists with death wishes. There's evidently no helmet law in this state and more often than not, the riders weren't wearing them.
- Lots of vineyards, in addition to all the other fruit.
- Once we hit OH, incredible amounts of shredded tires on the sides of the road--do they put something in the asphalt here?
- Unlike in MA, people in PA and OH pretty much adhere to the speed limit, with the exception of the guy in the red Volvo convertible who must have been doing 100 when he went by me.
- The terrain is getting flatter.