Saturday, July 16, 2011

Packing, Packing, Packing - or How Did I Ever Get This Much Stuff?

It feels like I've been packing for months!  Well, come to think of it, I have.  When I decluttered the house to put it on the market, I packed stuff in boxes labeled "NM" and "tag sale," so a lot (one of those stand-alone storage units full) was done already.  But now I'm packing for the movers, who are due in just under two weeks.  I thought I was down to the bare bones, but I keep finding more and more STUFF! 

The moving/tag sale will be next Saturday, and that will clear out most of the furniture and things I packed away last winter.  As much as I'm not enjoying all of this turmoil, I will admit that getting rid of everything but just the essentials has been very good for me--I feel "lighter" in many ways and it's making the transition to my new life that much more exciting.